It’s been a long time, but well worth the wait
From my earlier posts, you know this whole project has been 27 months in the making. As time went on, I told a few more people about the project, but no more than a handful. I really just wanted to make sure that I had a great product to deliver. Of course, I already knew the quality of the book, and those who I shared the project with along the way verified this for me. Now, it is finally here. The moment the website is going live and I get to share Bernie the Bull and “Bernie Gets Bullied” with the world!
If anyone has ever had their work go “live” for the world to see and judge, it’s a really cool feeling. I was certainly a bit nervous of the potential naysayers out there, but I am really not concerned about them. I know that the message of this book and its main character needs to be shared with the world. The story’s lovable character and his decision to stand up is what has been missing. Bernie’s message of standing up and speaking out about being bullied is the best way to combat bullies. It’s not easy to do, but it has been proven time and time again to be an effective solution.
It’s not going to be easy
I didn’t think any of this was going to be a breeze, and I still don’t. I think that waiting for twenty seven months has proven that, but the lengthy process is okay with me. As I continue to develop “Bernie’s Basics” and the message I will be delivering, I meet more people who love the book’s message and want to help. In my opinion, others can help by telling everyone they know about it. Tell them to follow us on Twitter and Facebook and stay up to date with what’s happening with the brand.
I really think it’s going to happen fast, so check back in often! Obviously, as you read this, the site is live. As I mentioned, you can also connect with us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on their respective buttons at the bottom of the site. I can’t wait to continue this journey with anyone who wants to hop on. We can change the environment of bullying.